mes visiteurs !   5 comments





Publié 1 novembre 2005 par ondine92 dans compteurs

5 réponses à “mes visiteurs !

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  1. Bonjour !!Hi !! Thank you so much for visiting my Space and leaving a very lovely comment! You are living in a beautiful country too ! Want to visit once ! And you also have many many wonderful pix !! Please come and visit my Space again anytime !

  2. Hello!Thankyou for leaving a comment on my space – it was very nice :)Glad you liked it. Your space is really good, I love the pictures.Becky x

  3. french is a beatiful lenguage, and france a beautiful country you`re in the heaven of love i think, now i\’m wishing to see my space in "blogs etrangers" list, but there is a so small problem, maybe it couldn\’t be read by you or another foreign people because the words I use aren\’t in the dictionary, whatever, if you decide to make my dreams come true ( that would sound funny) add my space and send help to the people affected by the recent natural disasters, my country is beautiful too, i agree, but some people don\’t believe that and they try to copy another cultures and languages…my space wait for a chance, bye

  4. coucou ce soir je me promene et j\’ai pensee a toi j\’ai des choses pour toi vien me voir sur msn bisous francyne

  5. rej ai eu ton dernier message ton blog est vraiment joli moi je debute juste je ne suis pas tres doueeje t embrasse amitiesamandine

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